Dumbarton Stations Improvement Trust
DSIT is a charitable trust [SC046496] which is conderned to seek improvements to Dumbarton's three railway stations - particularly Dumbarton Central, which is one of Scotland's 13 'A'-Listed stations. Dumbarton Central was first opened in 1850, and the current building dates from 1896; it's condition is poor, and it suffers considerable access problems. With the financial assistance of West Dunbartonshire Council, and the approval of Network Rail and ScotRail, DSIT commissioned a 2-volume Conservation Management Plan, produced by one of Scotland's most experienced conservation architects and her team of six associate consultants. Volunme 1 of this CMP can be read and downloaded from the WDC website by inserting 'Dumbarton Central Station' in the search-bar and following the links. We intend to use this excellent, illustrated CMP to campaign for continuing improvements to the station, its public realm and its connections to High Street and other significant locations in the town centre.